Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Great Way to Read Your Bible!

      A new Bible reading program has been released which approaches the Bible in a new and unique way than most people are used to. It offers the reader an opportunity to read all of the way through the Bible - to do it chronologically - and to do it in just a year! For people who have never done that, which includes the vast majority of people, it offers them a chance to stand out in their peer groups, and to satisfy their deep desire to please the God they serve.

      It is a known fact that:

 1 - Less than 10% of all Christians have ever read the Bible all of the way through. Many have never even considered doing it or thought it was not attainable for them.

 2 - Most Christians have difficulty understanding many parts of the Bible. Although a few major Bible texts are familiar and well understood, large sections of the Bible remain obscure to the average layman.

 3 - Because 21st Century life is so fast-paced, many Christians have left meaningful devotional times with God out of their lives. That may be because they have not known how to confidently approach this subject.

      The new program is “Through the Bible . . . as It Happened”. The person who uses this program will gain a much better understanding of Scripture because of how the program works and because of what features are included in it.

      In short, it is a chronological reading of the Bible, with extensive helps included with it. Chronological means “in order”. The Bible as it appears in its standard form takes a “themed” approach to its material. The authors who wrote the Scriptures were interested in their particular situations and events. So they compiled their work in what we call “book” formats, subject matter being their guide.

      There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. They cover a time span of 4,500 years and they are not neatly placed in the order that the events occurred. In fact, everything jumps back and forth. That makes it hard for the reader to comprehend much of what takes place and the relationship of events to each other is largely lost. 

     The author of the program. David Shreve has re-arranged the Bible’s material so that it flows smoothly in order. Event follows event in the order in which they happened. That’s how most novels are written. From the beginning scenes, through the myriad of events, leading to a conclusion!

      So, one of the great things about this program is how it works - that is its foundation.

      But there are other chronological approaches to the Bible in existence. Some are simple general re-arrangements taking up no more than a piece of paper. Some are complete hardcover volumes which take the Scripture text and re-arrange it within the volume. What makes this program stand out from them?

 1 - The re-arrangement itself. The author began this effort in 1974, long before any such materials existed. Through the years, as he read through the Bible each year himself using this program, he researched and compared - and revised - and revised - continually, until he released his program to the general public in 2018. There is probably not another chronological program this thorough in its development. Getting the order of events exactly right was a priority for him and a painstaking effort - and the results prove the value of that effort.

 2 - The study helps which are included. It is hard to find a chronological reading program which explains some of the more difficult-to-understand portions of the Bible. Most simply attempt a re-arrangement of the Scriptures and let it go at that. That’s not enough for most laymen. They need some good, solid explanations of material they are reading.

      Mr. Shreve is degreed in the Bible and has a minor in Greek. He has spent his life studying the Bible, from his days at Cedarville University until the present. His library consists of hundreds of volumes in theology and Bible related books. His views are mainstream and evangelical. In the few instances where he diverges from orthodoxy, he alerts the reader that he is expressing a minor view. The reader doesn’t have to worry.

      The notes are extensive, too. The project is over 1,200 pages, so not much is left out. He treats some of the Biblical material from a theological perspective and some from a devotional perspective. He feeds the head and the heart! The reader would be well served in using his material. It can be found here.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Hello, everyone, I am back with another blog post. This time sharing the Blysky planners I am into this year. I hope you all find a planner that is right for you if you have not already done so. These planners are from July 2019 to June 2020. So, these planners are 18 months instead of the standard 12-month planners. I choose to get the 18 months instead of the 12 months which started in January. You all still have time to purchase your 2019-2020 planners and finish working on your  2018-2019 planners you purchased last year. Out with the old and in with the new. I love both of the planners I purchased. You can check them out on Amazon below this post. Thanks for stopping by and I will be posting again soon. Have a great day.

I purchased these pens that will change my life. They are comparable to the Frixtion (Friction) pens that everyone is ranting and raving over. These pens use the same concept. I will be doing a review of these pens on my youtube channel soon. Please, do subscribe and follow me on my blog. More great things are coming. Head on over to Amazon to purchase your set of pens today. You will not regret it. You will most likely be thanking me instead. Please, check out my youtube channel. You may find a video that you like or a video that came in handy.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Day 10

     I felt good for most of the day. I had not eaten all day,but I drank the detox tea early. I had not made the smoothies until almost 5PM. I had got sick around 3 or 4 something yesterday. A friend thought it was the laxative I was taking,but I had taken that probably for the last time on Day 7th or 8th.I did not take it on the 9th or 10th. After the 2nd smoothie. I thought it might have been that the veggies expired date was on the 20th. Yesterday was the 24th. I had not eaten yet. So,I do not think that was the case now. I do not know,but I feel much better indeed. I thank God for that. My stomach was hurting more than if I had laxative tea. I was like ok. What is going on. I had increased my water in take. I have been drinking water I normally do not drink or buy. We have a banned on using water. We have to boil our water and I was washing my hands ever since the bane. Now there is a mandatory boil our water. So,I finally stopped washing my hands with the faucet water after I got cut and had washed my hands with the water without knowing. I thought I was sick from washing my hand in the water for several days,because there is some symptoms. I think it was vomiting. Not sure if diarrhea was one and headaches. I will look that up today of course.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


     Hi,everyone. It is me again talking about the green smoothie cleanse. I was feeling great on Day 9. I only had carrots and almonds as a snack on the 9th day. Day 10 is officially today. I have energy. I started working out on Monday,but I did not do the whole exercise plan on the 9th day. I will work out today again. I thank God that I got through this journey. This weightloss journey is just beginning for me. Check out the next post for day 10. Make sure to read my other blog post,because it has documented most of the cleanse I am on. I will try to make a youtube video with more pictures and talking about more things. Thinking about starting this cleanse check out my first blog post about the cleanse. Have a great day you all. Remember to love yourself,love people and love God.

10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Day 8

     Day 8th was great. I felt fine. The smoothie tasted ok. Not the best tasting of course. Today is already day 9. I hope today's smoothie will taste good. I got through yesterday with just almonds as a snack. I have a boiled egg that I ate about after midnight. Anyway,I have posted a couple of pictures below of how the smoothies looked for day 8th.

Monday, October 22, 2018


     I have been feeling great,but was feeling fuller. I started taking a laxative herbal tea to help with bowel movements. I need to eat more fruits I am sure like I was before. Carrots,grapes apples and bananas. I need to drink more water too. Well,today is Day 8th already. Just giving an update on the cleanse for Day 6 and Day 7. I am almost finished, yay! If, you are interested in this cleanse I will add the link to where to buy the book. It is a fully detailed book on the cleanse, the shopping list,and the recipes for the smoothies. It also tells of the author's story and vital information about what to eat,drink, which vegetables and fruits to eat. There is also including testimonials and plus over 100 smoothies for different things. I love the book. Someone I was watching on youtube called it the smoothie bible. It was funny to hear that. Thanks for stopping by,please subscribe,comment and follow. Thanks once again for your time.

It was very hard for me to drink these smoothies. I felt fuller or maybe bloated. I also had a hard time with the blackberries. There were too many seeds. The seeds were very coarse. I disliked it. I tried using 
my juicer,but I was happy,because I thought the seeds had gotten smaller so I added the pulp to the my smoothies. It was the wrong thing to do,because the juicer could not extract the juice from the blackberries for some reason.